May 26, 2021


what happens when your dentist suggests root canal therapy

Getting root canal therapy can seem daunting and scary, but it doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. Root canal therapy is a common, effective procedure that can alleviate painful symptoms, restore oral health, and prevent the need for tooth extractions. At Polo Park Dental, we offer root canals in Winnipeg to patients who are in danger of needing tooth extractions to save their natural tooth for as long as possible. Read more to learn about what is involved in root canal therapy.

What is a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy is an endodontic treatment that works to save the inside of a tooth. When the infection reaches the inside of a tooth where all the important nerves and blood vessels are, the tooth is at risk of dying and needing to be extracted. This is when your dentist will suggest that you get a root canal near you.

Natural teeth are made up of multiple layers, and deep inside the tooth are the root canals where the soft tissues and nerves of the tooth exist. Usually, once an infection reaches these canals, an individual experiences severe discomfort and pain. As well, untreated infections can cause bone deterioration and cause the tooth to fall out. Root canal therapy eliminates the damaged or diseased tissue and saves the tooth.

How do Root Canals Work?

When you visit Polo Park Dental for root canal therapy, the procedure will start with your dentist in Winnipeg using a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Then, they will drill a small hole into your tooth so that they can remove the decayed tissue. The inside of your tooth will then be disinfected and sealed.
Typically, teeth with root canal therapy are weaker than healthy teeth and more susceptible to breaking. Once the tooth has been filled and sealed, your dentist near you will place a dental crown over it to keep it strong and protected from further damage.

Healing After a Root Canal

Since a root canal removes infection and damaged nerves from the inside of your tooth, you should feel significantly better than you did before the procedure. It is possible to still experience some discomfort for a couple of days after the procedure, but this can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain killers. If you continue to experience tenderness and pain within a few days of your procedure, come back to Polo Park Dental for a checkup.

Why Root Canals Are Better Than Tooth Extraction

It is always in your best interest to save your natural tooth whenever possible. Having a missing tooth requires more extensive dental care down the line and can cause further oral health issues.

Gaps caused by missing teeth can cause teeth to shift and bone to deteriorate, requiring you to get orthodontic treatment and extensive dental care, costing you significant amounts of time and money.

Root canals can be done in one visit and are extremely safe and effective at saving your oral health.

Visit Polo Park Dental

If you have been experiencing symptoms such as a persistent toothache, darkening tooth, or pain when eating, you may require root canal therapy.

At Polo Park Dental, we offer root canal therapy to our patients to ensure that they keep their natural teeth for as long as possible. Our team of dedicated dental professionals is happy to answer any of your questions or concerns about the procedure. If you are in pain, don’t wait. Please contact our clinic to book a consultation for root canal therapy today!